To download Mancala Adventures on your mobile device, follow these steps based on whether you are using an Android or an iOS device:
For Android devices:
- Follow this link to the Mancala Adventures Google Play Store page or the steps below.
- Open the Google Play Store
- Search "Mancala Adventures" in the search bar at the screen's top.
- Tap the "install" button. The app should download automatically
- Once downloaded, you can open the app from the Play Store or find it in your app drawer.
For Apple (iOs) devices:
- Follow this link to the Mancala Adventures App Store page or the steps below.
- Open the App Store on your device.
- Search "Mancala Adventures" in the search bar at the screen's top.
- Tap the "Get" button and confirm the download using Face ID/Touch ID or entering your Apple ID password. The app should download automatically.
- Once downloaded, you can open the app directly from the App Store or find it on your home screen.